Many people struggle with the proportions or overall profile of their facial features. Men may be self-conscious of a weak or broad chin, and women may wish for more cheek definition or a softer complexion. Chin or cheek augmentation alters the size and shape of these facial structures to improve your facial contours.
Dr. Douglas Stevens is double board certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He is a renowned surgeon in his field, having received multiple awards and authored over 40 articles on facial plastic and head and neck surgery. Our facial plastic surgeon has the experience and skill to improve the dimensions of your face and reach your cosmetic goals.
What Is Chin Augmentation?
Your chin affects the appearance of other facial features and throws your profile off-balance. A small or recessed chin can draw more attention to the nose, making it appear larger. Dr. Stevens offers several options for chin augmentation.
He may recommend chin implants placed around the natural chin bone to reach your ideal dimensions. These implants come in various sizes and shapes because every face is unique.
While most patients interested in chin augmentation wish to address a narrow, flat chin, some struggle with a long or wide chin that sharpens or dulls their facial features. Another procedure addresses chin ptosis, or “witch’s chin,” where the chin droops over the jawline. Chin ptosis surgery reduces the chin bone length and removes some soft tissues.
What Is Cheek Augmentation?
Dr. Stevens may recommend non-surgical cheek augmentation with a long-lasting injectable. Bellafill® is often used to improve cheek fullness, and Dr. Stevens is a Bella Diamond Provider. He is in the top 1% of Bellafill providers nationwide and knows how to inject this dermal filler for optimal results. Bellafill is an excellent dermal filler for the cheeks that uses PMMA microspheres (a bio-compatible polymer) to add volume and provide a collagen matrix that the body naturally fills in over time with new collagen. Patients can enjoy more voluminous cheeks right away, and results may last up to five years with good skincare and maintenance. Bellafill treatments take about 30 minutes, but a skin allergy test is required two weeks beforehand to prevent adverse reactions.
If you’re interested in improving your cheek or chin proportions, contact Stevens Facial Plastic & Laser Center to schedule a consultation with our board-certified facial plastic surgeon. Call our Fort Myers, Florida, office at (239) 481-9292.