Everyone responds to the aging process slightly differently. But for many patients of Dr. Douglas Stevens, the neck is a particular area of concern. The skin of the neck is thinner, and tends to receive less TLC than areas of the face in terms of sun protection and moisturizing. As a result, the appearance of the neck can deteriorate rapidly with age. The skin can develop noticeable wrinkles and folds, and take on a crepe-like texture.
Closely attuned to patients’ desires and goals, Dr. Stevens is pleased to offer a breakthrough treatment called Morpheus8 to non-surgically tighten, contour and smooth the skin of the neck. Morpheus8 is unlike any other treatment our team has seen, and our patients are thrilled with their results. Read on to learn more about this exciting technology and what it can do for you.
Remodel and Contour the Neck With Morpheus8
If you are concerned about signs of aging in the neck, but do not want to undergo a surgical procedure to address them, Morpheus8 might be the ideal solution for you. Using this revolutionary technology, we can create a noticeable improvement in the tone and texture of your neck skin, with a faster recovery and less risk of complications than surgical solutions.
Morpheus8 uses radiofrequency energy to tighten and tone loose, crepe-y skin on the face and body. In the weeks and months following Morpheus8 treatment, the targeted skin acquires a smoother and tighter appearance. It can take several months for the results to completely reveal themselves.
Unlike other radiofrequency treatments, Morpheus8 incorporates another effective anti-aging technique: microneedling. Microneedling utilizes a device with tiny needles that create controlled punctures in the skin. The punctures allow the radiofrequency energy to penetrate and renew deeper layers of the skin. The body responds to these micro-injuries by laying down new collagen.
A series of Morpheus8 treatments is recommended to achieve the desired outcomes. Changes in the skin can be seen as soon as after the first treatment.
Patient comfort during any anti-aging treatment is always a concern, and our team takes it very seriously. Prior to treatment, we numb the skin with a topical cream to ensure a comfortable experience and also offer Pro-Nox (similar to laughing gas) to help alleviate any additional discomfort.
Take the First Step Toward a Youthful Appearance
Dr. Stevens and our team encourage you to schedule a personal consultation so we can learn about your needs and create a customized treatment plan. To request an appointment, please contact us today.