When considering your new year’s resolutions, some of them may include becoming that “New You” that you’ve always wanted to be. That’s not a small matter; becoming the best you is a journey worth taking. So, for 2016, the New You might involve undergoing surgery. This could be an eye lift or even a face lift. Whatever the surgery, consider the questions you need to ask before proceeding.
Questions to Ask Emotionally
What are my goals aesthetically? This is a broad question, but it must be asked. This is the major way to point out which direction you want to go. Do you want work done on your eyes or your chin and cheeks? What area deserves the attention? You want make sure you address your concern areas appropriately.
How will this affect my everyday life? Depending on the surgery, you may require recovery time. Ensure that you’re prepared, should you need to take off of work for a few days.
Is there a way to get the new look without undergoing surgery? This question is fairly easy to answer, and the answer is yes. Dr. Douglas Stevens MD, for example, performs both surgical and non-surgical procedures; so with the right physician, you can get the desired look you want with a procedure you’re completely comfortable with.
And Financially…
Does my health insurance cover the cost of a cosmetic surgery? Some insurances will cover the cost of a surgery if it is deemed medically necessary, and other carriers will not. Before you jump into surgery consultations and scheduling, make sure you know what will be covered by your health insurance and what you may have to pay out of pocket.
Does this surgery affect my health insurance deductible? This question coincides with the previous one. If your insurance does cover the cost of the procedure, be aware that most deductibles for policies start over at the beginning of the calendar year, so you may be subject to this amount before your insurance helps pay for any part of the cost.
Will I be able to finance my surgery? If you feel that this procedure will be above your price range, most physicians will work with you. Payment plans and financing are always an option when you have the right doctor on your side. They will be able to help you budget for the procedure you’ve been dreaming of.
Are You Happy With the Anwers?
Dr. Douglas Stevens is ready to help you answer these questions and get the best New You that you can possibly be. [phone]