In the modern facial plastics practice there are many procedures to rejuvenate the face. However, when the time comes there is nothing that can rejuvenate the face and neck like a face and neck lift. Typically it is the excess of skin, laxity of underlying structure of the face and neck and loss of the youthful distinct jaw line (or tight angular neck) that bring a face neck lift into the picture. These areas respond very well to the procedure and the results are long lasting and remarkable.
The face and neck lift can be performed under IV (intravenous) sedation anesthesia in the outpatient surgical setting, or even in the office with local anesthesia and a valium-like pill, via our unique procedure – The Active Lift® . Recovery time is typically one to two weeks with an average of 10 days.
I encourage you to review our website and look at before and after photos of some of our facelift and Active Lift® patients. If you think a face and/or neck lift might be for you, I invite you to call 239-481-9292 for a consultation.
While speaking of turning back the hands of time… I’d like to invite you to our special event on Friday, June 28th. We’ll be turning back the hands of time and revisiting a simpler time. Join us anytime from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for refreshments, discounted prices on facial rejuvenation services, and fun. For more information or to RSVP, please call 239-481-9292.